below is a quick video of the basics of teaching a dog not to bark,download to watch.

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no barking training


A dog’s natural instinct is to protect his home & property. A dog that is unsupervised or out of reach cannot be corrected for barking (or digging, or chewing…).   In order to work with barking, therefore, the dog must be supervised and easily reached during times of (possible) barking.  

To facilitate teaching not to bark, you do NOT have to wait for the situations of barking to happen. Enlist help, and set up the situation! Practice several times in a row to teach. The easiest way to work with barking (as with anything) is to have the dog on a leash (or umbilical leash – a little safer).  That way, it is easier to catch and correct (and praise!) the dog.

Methods to teach a dog not to bark:

First, pick a word or phrase that will be your command to stop barking.  Suggestions can be: “Quiet!”, “Enough!”, “No Bark!”, “Hush!”, “That’ll Do!”.   
I never use “Shut Up!”, and I prefer not to use “No”.

Set up for barking, and have a leash on the dog.  When the barking happens, take the leash (step on the leash if you have to “catch” the dog or just have the leash in your hand to start!), give a firm tug horizontally to the floor and firmly use your word.

When the dog is quiet, calmly & quietly praise (“GOOD quiet”).  Sometimes a tiny soft-moist treat can reinforce your praise (brought down to the dog’s level).

If the pop on the leash doesn’t help, you can incorporate a squirt bottle into the equation. Give a sharp series of squirts right in the face, firm command to quiet, and, for extra measure, have the dog SIT.  Your correction should only be as firm as it needs to be. You can also use a small “shaker container”.  Do not use these tools to threaten.